
¸Û°Ä±¦µäStudent & Faculty Profiles

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Image of Tracy Imperato

Tracy Imperato

I started my journey at SUNY Nassau in 2001 as a student myself. In fact, I have now taught in some of the same classroo [...]

Image of Markenson Louis

Markenson Louis

Markenson Louis was recently chosen as SUNY Nassau's first EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) ambassador, a program b [...]

Image of Patrick Gallagher

Patrick Gallagher

Patrick Gallagher (Man #3) is a student currently enrolled in his third semester at ¸Û°Ä±¦µä. He is incr [...]


Calvin Zanetti

Calvin Zanetti plays Aaron in SUNY Nassau's production of First Date. He is a graduate of Boca Raton High School. Among [...]

Image of Allison Braverman

Allison Braverman

Allison Braverman (Casey) is so excited to be in her first show at SUNY ¸Û°Ä±¦µä. Allison has been a par [...]

Image of Leonardo Falcon

Leonardo Falcon

I was hired in the Fall of 2019 to teach history and to help strengthen Latin American Studies at Nassau Community Colle [...]

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