
¸Û°Ä±¦µäStudent & Faculty Profiles

Filtered by 3, Alumni


Bryce Mack, ¸Û°Ä±¦µäAlum

I attended ¸Û°Ä±¦µä from Fall 2017 to Fall 2019. I graduated from ¸Û°Ä±¦µäwith my Associate in Liberal Arts [...]

Image Of Jacqueline

Jacqueline DeAngelo

Jacqueline knew she wanted to be a teacher from a young age but didn’t know where to go after high school. She decided [...]

Photo of Anna


Hi, my name is Anna. I started at Nassau because I was undecided with what I wanted to do out of high school. I knew it [...]

Image of Quincy

Quincy Chester

Quincy attended ¸Û°Ä±¦µäafter High School. He gravitated towards the communications department because of how interactive, h [...]

Image of Abigail


This is Abigail! Abigail graduated from ¸Û°Ä±¦µäwith an Associate’s degree in American Sign Language. She was attracted to [...]

Image of Kris Goldsmith

Kris Goldsmith

I was a Forward Observer in the US Army, and served at Fort Stewart, Georgia, with a deployment to Iraq from January to [...]

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