
Health Requirements for Programs

Nursing, Allied Health, Mortuary Science & Sports Programs

Nursing Program

All Nursing students are required to submit a Health Form to the Office of Student Health Office, EVERY year. These forms must not be given to your Instructors. All first year Nursing students must complete the following requirements; A Physical Examination with a tuberculin Mantoux test done within 90 days of the first day of class. Those with a history of positive Mantoux must submit a copy of a recent (within two years) chest x-ray report. Diptheria/Tetanus immunization done within 10 years. Polio vaccine or any history is acceptable. Varicella, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella titers must be submitted with copies of the Laboratory Reports. Hepatitis B vaccine series must be started or a Declination Waiver must be signed.

Faculty Only

Nursing and Allied Health Form

Allied Health

All Allied Health students are required to submit a Health Form to the Office of Student Health Office, EVERY year. These forms must not be given to your Instructors. All first year Allied Health students must complete the following requirements; A Physical Examination with a tuberculin Mantoux test within 90 days of the first day of class. Those with a history of positive mantoux must submit a copy of a recent (within two years) chest x-ray report. Diptheria/Tetanus immunization done within 10 years. Polio vaccine or any history is acceptable. Varicella, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella titers must be submitted with copies of the Laboratory Reports. Hepatitis B vaccine series must be started or a Declination Waiver must be signed. Medical Tech students check with your instructor for further information.

Mortuary Science

First year Mortuary Science students are required to complete the following:

  • physical examination
  • tetanus/diphtheria vaccine within last 10 years
  • any polio vaccine history is acceptable
  • tuberculin screening test (one of the following)
    • a two-step PPD skin test or
    • Quanteferon/IGRA TB Gold blood test

All second year students, with completed first year forms, must have a least two Hepatitis B vaccines prior to their embalming lab. You must submit proof of Hepatitis B vaccines to Student Health Office prior to your lab. A second year physical is NOT required.

Mortuary Science Physical Form


All student athletes are required to have a physical exam prior to participating in a sport at ¸Û°Ä±¦µä. Page 1 of the official NJCAA sports physical form needs to be filled out by the student before seeing your doctor.

The physical examination is to be done within 90 days before the start of school. If the athlete is under the age of 18 years old, the Consent for Student under 18 Years Old Form is to be filled out by student and parent/guardian and is than notarized.

All original forms are submitted to the ¸Û°Ä±¦µäStudent Health Office. Faxes or photocopies will not be accepted. In addition, if the student had a recent injury requiring surgery, or had a concussion within one year, a note addressing your injury from your doctor clearing you to participate in the sport is needed.

Sports/Activity Physical Form

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