
Student Responsibilities

Be prepared to meet with an advisor

Academic Advisement is a shared responsibility. While advisors are here to assist you, you can do your part by being prepared to meet with an advisor. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Your advisor is going to ask you about your career interests/goals. Begin thinking about your answer before you meet with an advisor. If you are uncertain about your major, talking with an advisor can sometimes help to clarify your ideas.
  • If you have already designated a major, look up this degree program in the college catalog for course requirements.
  • Review your requirements in your degree evaluation and write down any questions you have regarding your major.
  • Look up any specific courses you want to register for in the on-line College catalog. Access the catalog through the College web site, ncc.edu. Note course descriptions and prerequisite requirements, along with any questions you want to discuss.
  • Now you are ready to meet with an advisor.
  • After advisement, use the class schedule at My港澳宝典to look up the specific times the courses you have selected are being offered. Develop your schedule by writing the courses in the appropriate boxes on the day or evening time grids provided. 
  • Advisors are available to meet with you throughout the academic.  Plan to meet with an advisor before registration starts. Once registration starts, waiting times are longer.

Get the most out of working with your advisor

  • Meeting regularly with an advisor can be very important to a successful college experience.
  • Pay attention to deadlines such as last day to drop/add, tuition payment due date, last day to register for Day and/or Evening Classes, refund period, automatic withdrawal period, graduation application deadline. If you miss one, it could cost you, both educationally and financially!
  • Keep a copy of your degree requirements and use it to track the courses you taken and which requirements are still outstanding.
  • Select classes based on your academic capabilities. For example, if math and science are challenging areas for you, do not take these courses in the same semester.
  • Be very careful when selecting summer and winterim classes. Remember that you are receiving 15 weeks' worth of information in a three- to five-week period. The pace is fast and furious.
  • Communication is the key 鈥 don't be afraid to ask for help or discuss issues that are relevant to your educational, personal, social or career development. Support systems, such as academic advisors, are readily available and vital for academic success.
  • Read any material that you receive either by mail or in-person. This material often contains vital information that may be essential for your academic achievement.
  • Save copies of all College documents (transcripts, drop/add forms, course selection forms, graduation applications, change of program, etc.) You may need to refer to them in the future.
  • Obtain the facts. Do not take College policy advice from other students. Check your College catalog for answers to your questions. If you still don't understand, speak with an advisor.

You are in charge of your education!

"I didn't know I had to do that"; "I didn't know I couldn't do that"; "Nobody told me鈥︹. That's putting the responsibility on someone else. YOU are responsible for learning and knowing the College's policies and procedures. Everything you need to know about attending Nassau is in the . If you have a question, look it up. If you need clarification, contact an advisor. It is your education. Take responsibility for it!

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