
Commemorative Brick Wall Inductees 2001



Anthony J. Guarisco
In Loving Memory

Bobby Kumar
Honoree, 2001

Carole A. O’Brien MS
Reading & Basic Educ

Charlotte Thilesen 00

Dean Florence Lane
Student Services

Denise G. Armstrong
Class of 2000

Diane C. Mader.
83 - 00 With Deep Gratitude

Dionne Hamber

Dr. Al & Nancy Sager
Knowledge is Forever

Dr. Madelyne Orsini
Professor and Friend

Dr. Stan Kallaur
For. Lang. 39 Years

Eleanor Davidson
Ph.D. Office Technology

Florence Lane
Professor 1960-1983

In Appreciation
Lillian Swarth

In Memory Of
Edward F Jones III 

In Memory
Prof. Nancy Kelne

J Weintraub Scholar
Integrity Altruist

Joan McTague
RN 79

Joanna Ezratty
Alexandra Gersten

John C. Ellsworth
Dedicated Professor

John F. Spiegel

Joy Chirkis Scholl
Friend and Co-Worker

Michael Corpuel

Paul F. Earl,
PhD. Biology 1965-2000

Peg Omasta
Pres. Secretary 19Yrs

Prof. Arlene Coleman
In Loving Memory

Richard M. Kessel
Honoree, 2001

Robert A. Lukitsh
V.P. 1972-1978

Shirley R. Dandridge
In Loving Memory

Thomas J Trimboli Jr
A True Friend to All

Tracielyn O’Brien
88 Capt Girls X Country

W. Frank Hunter
You’re in our Hearts


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