
Test Taking - Tips and Advice

  1. AVOID last minute cramming.
  2. Concentrate on ONE section at a time.
  3. Mark key words in highlighter. Notice bold print and italics in the textbook.
  4. Look for important facts or principles. See how these facts fit together.
  5. Say the material ALOUD.
  6. Use flash cards.
  7. Use mnemonic aids, little sayings to help you remember a concept. For example, moving sideways or laterally from the Sella Turcica of the cranium, the foramen are: LOS: Lacerum, Ovale, Spinosum.
  8. Learn the information. TIME: 30 MINUTES of studying, then take a FIVE MINUTE BREAK.
  9. After each five minute break, cover again the sections you studied. This allows for "forget time" to verify you still know the material.
  10. If you are unsure, RELEARN the material.
  11. Check to see if you now know all of the material.
  12. If you know that section, go to the next.
  13. After your next break, review unsure sections again.
  14. Pretend you are giving the exam; what questions would you ask?
  15. Take a practice test.
  16. AFTER you have studied, meet with a STUDY GROUP to reinforce and exchange information.
  17. You have studied. BE CONFIDENT!
  1. Read all directions carefully.
  2. Skim over the whole paper before answering any questions.
  3. Each question should be read twice.
  4. Skip questions that stump you. Don't linger over it. Return to it later.
  5. Watch out for key words in questions, such as:  "not, unlike, immediate, basic, compared to, list."
  6. Eliminate choices.
  7. For an ESSAY: jot down a rough outline of your answer. Present ideas in logical order. Support a statement by reference to a specific example. Use complete sentences and punctuate properly.
  8. Anticipate stress.
  9. Relax and be confident!
  1. Close your eyes and count to ten.
  2. Very slowly inhale and fill your lungs to their capacity. Hold one second and then very slowly exhale.
  3. Mentally "leave the exam" and concentrate on a pleasant, peaceful image for 15 seconds.
  4. Proper studying and truly knowing your material is the best stress relief. See above for How To Study For A Test.
  5. Eat properly. Avoid skipping meals.
  6. Get a good night's sleep before the day of the exam.
  7. Avoid cramming for a test. 

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