
¸Û°Ä±¦µäStudent & Faculty Profiles

Filtered by NCC, 2

Gabriel Mejia Moreno

Gabriel Mejia Moreno

I am a Liberal Arts major in my second year at NCC. The biggest reason why I chose ¸Û°Ä±¦µä is that I ha [...]

Justin Hernandez

Justin Hernandez

I am a Business Administration major in my second year at ¸Û°Ä±¦µä. I chose to come to ¸Û°Ä±¦µämainly becaus [...]

Axel Cardona-Olivero

Axel Cardona-Olivero

I am a marketing major and will graduate in 2025. After a rough start at a large four-year university, I chose to attend [...]

Anton Malyshev

Anton Malyshev

I transferred to ¸Û°Ä±¦µäto pursue a degree in Nursing. After some sudden life-changing events I needed to be back home with [...]

Zach Dumelle

Zach Dumelle

For my first semester of college, I attended a large university out of state. As the semester went on, I was feeling mor [...]

Abdullah Saleh

Abdullah Saleh

My major is Biology and I am in my second year at NCC. I originally came to ¸Û°Ä±¦µä because of the smal [...]

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