
Commemorative Brick Wall Inductees 2003



Carolan Family

Charles Scott

Christopher Kessler 93
In Loving Memory

Dr. Anne Christian
In Memorium 2003

Dr. Arnold Peltzer
Teacher and Friend

Dr. Benjamin Levine
Professor - Biology

Dr. Patricia Hyland
Nursing - Prof. / Chair

Dr. Theodore J. Kalas
Prof. Chem 1961-2001

Edward M. Coyne

Frank Stanley,
J.D. 91 Years Young

George Rusty Paterson
Good Friend

Gertrude Levine
In Loving Memory

Helen Yianneris
In Loving Memory

Henry T. Brenner ’79

Hon. John LeBoutillier
Honoree, 2003

In Loving Memory of
Irving Fischer

In Loving Memory
The Martin-McGovern Fam.

In Memory of Dionne Hamber

John H. Gross, Esq.

Kathryn M.F. Stanley Podwall,
BIO. Prof.

Ken Reisberg
Friend and Co-Worker

M. Leonard Brenner

Margot and Prof Tony Razziano
U Can Do It

Marie C.Stanley, J.D.
Have Good Days***

Peter J Ruh
In Loving Memory

Priscilla Brenner ’76

Prof. G. J. Beaulieu

Prof. Richard Hunt
In Loving Memory

Prof. Rita I. Wessan
A Master Teacher

Prof. Rosalie Walker
Office Technology

Prof.Barbara Halpern
Office Technology

Prof. Herbert Kriedman
Estate Benefactor

Prof. Nehemiah H
Press Estate Benefactor

Richard Callara A True Friend

Tom O’Shaughnessy Friend,
SGA Pres, Prof.

Tom O’Shaughnessy Friend,
SGA Pres, Prof.

William H Murphy
WHM Contracting Co.


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